Welcome to Black n Colours.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Dear readers of Mr. Black's blog, check this out.


**Warning: Download size is pretty big, BUT the show is pretty amazingly real. Haha.

N Black Sey @
1:54 AM

Monday, November 28, 2005
Undone, the Kinks in mind.

Yeah, an ending is an ending, even a bad one. My papers had finally ended and my blog is fully throttled and running once again.

Wow, it's December already.

And if you are wondering about my title, "Undone, the Kinks in Mind", dun worry 'cause I just mean that I need to undo some of the kinks (kinks? Sounds familiar?) in my head that had built up over the last month due to an overdosage of knowledge that could very well be unnecessary in my future and could potentially be fatal to my brain. (The inspiration came from a song "Undone, the sweater song" which I am listening to now, IF you really want to know.)

Before everybody goes on to babble on how busy his/her December vacations will be, Mr. Black here would like to congratulate all of you guys (and girls, I am not MCP) on finishing the horrible papers. You have survived, yes, and had given hope once again to people around to you who are dying to spend time with you. For those who haven, well, dun visit this blog until you have. (Well too late if you have read already)

Mr. Black is gonna work, gonna play and gonna do some serious DJing in the hols. Besides, he is also gonna have some fun under the sun (hopefully), club a little (hopefully) and slack. No intimate details of the above will be mentioned coz I know you guys will go to sleep reading. Anyway, my tag board is looking a little bruised with all the blue black brown and purple. Mr Black sincerely hopes that more colour can be injected into that pathetic squarish-looking (hey it IS square. Hmmm or rectangular?) black tag-board on the right. If not, Mr. Black will be forced to change the reigning colours to something brighter and prettier.

Like yellow.

Now who's gonna start?

P.S.: Happy hols in advance. What do you get when you combine Barry White, a Moose, a pesty fly and a Christmas tree adorned with lights and stars? Click to find out. http://www.sulkybunny.com/saul_LetsMooseAround.html

N Black Sey @
7:51 PM

Monday, November 21, 2005
Haven been posting on my blog lately because of examinations... Mr Black promises more good stuff to come once he gets his stuff cleared out of his head and his hands out of the mud. For the time being, here's a joke I read off the web. Thought it turned out to be quite true.

Take a minute to chill. Enjoy.


Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.

Walk into bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see your husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror. Make mental note...Must do more sit-ups.

Get in the shower. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah, and pumice stone.

Wash your hair with Cucumber Sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.

Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean. Condition your hair with Grapefruit Mint conditioner, enhanced with natural avocado oil. Leave on hair for fifteen minutes. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for ten minutes, until red.

Wash entire rest of body with Ginger Nut and Jaffa Cake body wash.

Rinse conditioner off hair. You must make sure that it has all come off. Shave armpits and legs. Consider shaving bikini area, but decide to get it waxed instead.

Scream loudly when your husband flushes the toilet and you lose the water pressure.

Turn off shower.

Squeeze off all wet surfaces in shower. Spray mold spots with Tilex. Get out of shower. Dry with towel the size of a small country. Wrap hair in super absorbent second towel. Check entire body for the remotest sign of a zit.

Tweeze hairs.

Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head. If you see your husband along the way, cover any exposed areas, then sashay to bedroom to spend an hour and a half getting dressed.



Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Leave them in a pile.

Walk naked to the bathroom. If you see your wife along the way, shake xxx at her, making the "woo-woo" sound.

Look at your manly physique in the mirror and suck in your gut to see if you have pecs. (No)

Admire the size of your xxx in the mirror and scratch your ass.

Get in shower.

Don't bother to look for a washcloth...You don't use one.

Wash your face.

Wash your armpits.

Blow your nose in your hands, then let the water just rinse it off.

Crack up at how loud your farts sound in the shower.

Majority of time is spent washing your privates and surrounding area.

Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs on the soap bar.

Shampoo your hair. Do not use conditioner. Make a shampoo Mohawk.

Peek out of shower curtain to look at yourself in the mirror again.

Pee (in the shower).

Rinse off and get out of the shower. Fail to notice water on the floor because you left the curtain hanging out of the tub the whole time. Partially dry off.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Flex muscles. Admire the xxx size again.

Leave shower curtain open and wet bath mat on the floor. Leave bathroom fan and light on.

Return to the bedroom with towel around your waist. If you pass your wife, pull off the towel, shake xxx at her, and make the "woo-woo" sound again.

Throw wet towel on the bed. Take 2 minutes to get dressed.

N Black Sey @
10:22 PM

Monday, November 14, 2005
I discovered something amazing about human memory while I was taking a well-deserved break (I hope) just now.

Lying on my bed, I tried to recap some points which I had just learnt a few minutes ago, but it turned out to be pretty hard.

But my CD-player's on, and I could sing perfectly to the words of the singer even though I don't have a clue to what he's singing about.

Then it dawned on me that human beings have selective memory. I did not memorize the lyrics of the song on purpose but it just occured to me that I did know the lyrics after repeated listening. And the suprising thing is that you could even remember an old song back in the 80s. The mind chooses to remember that piece of information selectively. You remember because you are conditioned to remember, not forced within a short period of time.

What I am doing to my notes was another form of memory: Short-termed memory. You could remember the information in a much shorter period of time, but that info is not stored in your brain for so long. And you are more prone to forgetting it. The fact that you don't like to remember them makes the whole situation worse.

Everyday, the brain is fine-tuning its memory function, selectively remembering things that you ought to remember and forgetting things that probably serve no function or generate no interest. If you suddenly remember something nice, happy and that makes your heart warm and fuzzy, please remember to also cherish that memory, for it is by no mere luck or chance that your brain chooses to keep that piece of memory.

Yah and also, try not to remember things last-minute. Your memory may choose to fail you. Am I shooting myself in the foot?

N Black Sey @
6:33 PM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Kinda like this picture, not in an erotic way of course.
If you see carefully, there are 2 women of contrasting colour lying on top of one another.

Black complements the white.

Get what I mean?

N Black Sey @
12:10 AM

Friday, November 04, 2005
It's one of those cold, rainy days when Mr. Black stops and looks at his life in retrospect. It's a bit bleak, yes he admits, but it is nonetheless useful. And he finds out that in the last few weeks, so many things had occured that had made him change his perspectives in many ways, regarding family, his love and people around him in general.

Mr. Black: I feel that I have grown. Well, not physically but rather enriched by the experiences of life.

He realized that it is a painful process of losing things. Especially expensive things that are not yours. The guilty conscience that one has to bear is often overwhelming; that you could probably choke and suffocate from it if you don't let it out. Admit your mistake. There's often no point in proportioning blame. Make the best out of the situation. Work towards a remedy, and before you tell him that some things don't have a remedy, Mr Black would have said, "Bull, everything has a remedy. Some remedies are just more effective than others."

Mr. Black realized that generosity stems from the heart. Would you bear to give 50 dollars to someone whom you don't even know? Someone who greets you but eyes you warily? Well, he met someone who did, and it's comforting to know of people who would go all out to satisfy another person (be it in terms of happiness or other emotions) and sacrifice what he had just to see a smile. Its comforting to know that there are high-context people living amongst low and extremely low-context people. Money is important but Mr. Black stressed again that it is NOT the most important thing in the world now. It might be 20 years ago, but now, in the new world that we lived in, it is not. Something else had taken its place. Something which is even more powerful than money. Something that can make people work for you willingly even if you do not pay them. Mr. Black says, "Go figure."

And the most drastic thing that Mr. Black had come to realize is the love-hate relationship that is so intricately and delicately balanced between one's parents and self. You might have utter disrespect for your mother (and thinks that she is an alien hailing from the depths of Pluto, or whatever solar system), but come another day, you might change your feelings towards her when she makes your favourite food, or gives you a compliment. Sometimes, Mr. Black hated (yes, hated) his parents and asked the Supreme One (or the Heavens or God or Buddha or The Prophet) why he had to live with people like that. "Why can't my parents be a bit more understanding?" Mr Black lamented. Here, TRUST is the key. If they do not give you the key of trust, you will never, never, never be able to do anything that is to their approval. To parents all around the work, I have a piece of advice: Work by conviction. Seek to understand your kids and convince him; don't stop him if he wants to go all out in his aspirations, let him fall and let him understand defeat by tasting it. Success is learnt by failures. If you don't even give him the chance to fail, how can he succeed in life?

I have to go for more mundane things now.

Hey, the rain has stopped.

N Black Sey @
10:24 AM

The Blogger

Mr Black is a current undergraduate who resides in Singapore. This blog is a non-whimsical reflection of his life and the society in which he lives in at large.

Technical Details

- Confidental -


Music, Love and Freedom


May the One who Reins the World keep his fingers out of the bowels and holes. Okay, World Peace.

Scratch Here

In Retrospect

September 2005[x]
October 2005[x]
November 2005[x]
December 2005[x]
January 2006[x]
March 2006[x]
April 2006[x]
May 2006[x]
June 2006[x]
July 2006[x]
August 2006[x]
September 2006[x]
October 2006[x]
November 2006[x]
December 2006[x]
January 2007[x]
February 2007[x]
March 2007[x]
April 2007[x]


Navy Blue
Baby Blue
Baby Pink
White too


Tune in to RadioPulze everyday from 12-10pm in NUS!


Brushes:[1] [2]

Hosting:[1] [2] [3]


