Friday, December 23, 2005
Rain, instead of snow, kept falling these days.
To a certain extent, it created the cosy, tis-the-season-for-cuddle-and-snuggle feeling in people, and it feels good to be able to sneak up on your loved ones from behind to give them a hug that they truly deserved after slogging across treacherous year 2005.
On the streets, you can see people working overtime, desparately trying to get the things on their shopping lists. For once, town never seemed so alive, even dead into the night. Don't drive to town unless you want to be stuck on the streets overhanging with wires of lights and decorations; but if you consider that romantic, by all means, go ahead. The lights are beautiful and costly, another attempt, a pretty good one I would say, by the authorities to inject some festive mood into the air after a string of bad events locally and globally.
I like Christmas even though I do not celebrate it directly.
"Tis the season to be jolly, lalalalala, lalalala..."
Its a meaningful occasion; through the exchange of gifts, gatherings and parties, people meet and interact. People fall in love. People are surprised to recieve gifts that are just what they are wishing for from people that they wished they have given them those (Caution: Read slowly). It would be especially endearing to receive gifts from your significant other, be them costly or not.
To me, they are all priceless anyway.
So when you read this, why not go make yourself a cup of tea and warm your mouth with a sip? Why not go through the events that had happened over the past year and reflect on their meanings? Why not party the night away in a way you never knew you could? Why not dedicate a song to your loved ones on air via radio? Why not pick up the phone and say the words you have always wanted to say but have no courage to say to the One? If he or she is beside you right now, why not give him or her a kiss or a naughty wink?
I know I am getting a bit melodramatic here. But never mind, it must be the weather.
To all friends of Black, have a Merry and White (pardon the irony) Christmas. May all your wishes come true. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserved it.
Click here for a video about Santa Claus. (Warning: A bit gross and disturbing, especially if you write to him haha)
N Black Sey @
3:28 PM
Friday, December 16, 2005
Colours and Sex.
I got an interesting idea that colours and sex may be linked and so I typed "people who like black colour" into Google, and my first search result proved interesting.
This is for my friends, whom I have assigned colours at the right hand side of the column. I stumbled upon a website belonging to MIT and it kinda relates your favourite colour to your sexual life. Don't be alarmed, it may be very true.
Hey goes, for people who like... (in order of the colours on my right)
Lovers of purple frequently consider themselves to be too sophisticated for a fun romp in the sack. Women sometimes are the type who hate to mess their hair. Men are business-like in their approach to lovemaking. In both sexes purple partners are more concerned with their fulfillment than anyone else's gratification.
Comments: No comments. Shhh.
Those who prefer green are fresh and innocent in their approach to sex. Women who love green will always make love like virgins all their life. And a man may always be a trifle clumsy and awkward but in a charming and endearing sort of way. Green lovers are gentle, but not passionate. If chosen as a mate, one will never need worry about infidelity.
Comments: Hmmm... well, I don't know.
If you love brown, you're a real treasure for the right mate. Brown lovers tend to be warm and deep, sensitive to the needs and desires of their partners. Sex is a 24 hour a day thing. Where you can't say "I love you" often enough. Snuggling by the fire, walking in the rain or catching snowflakes on their tongue is a turn-on to a lover of brown. They need lots of time and privacy to make love. But their emotions are such that one harsh word could end the affair.
Comments: I think this is true.
Lovers of blue are wonderful sex partners. They are sinners, affectionate and sensitive to their partner's needs. They consider love making a fine art and their approach is elegant. Men who love blue are like concert pianists, delicately ravaging their partner like they would play a baby grand. Women in the blue category enjoy sex to the fullest. They are exciting partners but their passion may be compared to a tidal wave rather than fiery aggression. Both women and men enjoy foreplay and the aftermath of lovemaking, as much as the sex act itself. In marriage a blue person is a wonderful mate -- never seeking outside interests.
Comments: Wow... I never knew... Oops.
The color grey a preferred by people who are indecisive. They can't get excited about anything -- including color -- so they choose a noncommittal shade. Men who prefer grey look at sex as a way of relieving tension -- but nothing more, nothing less. It's wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Women don't make love, they have intercourse. And for one of two reasons only: to accommodate their mate, or to become pregnant. They count the cracks in the bedroom plaster until the sex act is over and done with. But when teamed with another color, the grey spouse considers the other's infidelity a blessing. When a grey marries another grey, the marriage is made in heaven.
Comments: I hope so.
If a person is infatuated with white, sex often seems filthy. These people are puritanical in nature. French kissing is obscene and to make love in the daylight in unheard of. Women who love white will undress beneath the covers. Men will shower before and after the sex act. These people still use pet names for their genitals.
Comments: Cute.
Persons who like pink show a reluctance to mature in sexual matters: women tend to tease, to promise more than they intend to deliver. In some cases they flaunt their femininity -- but because they secretly hate men. A great percentage of prostitutes boast entire wardrobes in pink. Men who like pink are the philanderers and flirts. They are the type who will make three dates for the same evening and not keep one, preferring to pick up a dish in some bar instead. Women whose husbands like pink should keep a secret nest egg.
Comments: Hmmm, no comments. Sigh.
People who like red tend to be tigers in the sack. They are easily aroused and enjoy sex in every way imaginable. Once the sexual spark is ignited, it may take hours to extinguish. When two reds get together, the ensuing erotica could make Lady Chatterly blush. Lovers of red tend to be aggressors and weaker colors should be aware.
Comments: This one is funny. And not to mention it is so TRUE! Hahaha!
And then, what about black?
Black color preferences point to black sex (not necessarily meaning black partners). These people are the misfits of the sex world and seek out each other in kinship. They tend to prefer perverted sex and are usually masochistic or sadistic in nature. They are moody people and often perform at their peak when under stress or during unhappy times. Police psychiatrists claim that sex offenders prefer the color black. And it is no coincidence that the uniform of mobsters and teenage gangs is black attire.
Comments: I leave this to you guys. What the --?
N Black Sey @
12:31 AM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
When I read that another major burger chainstore had set foot on local soil and had plans of making Singaporeans obese (quoted from my girlfriend who stared in disguise when I devoured the burger, the smallest one, like a Tyrannosaurus Rex), I felt like Harold who dreams of finding that elusive White Castle, with its big, bouncing, juicy, almost errotic-looking burgers.
And so I did embark on a journey in search of Carl's Jr, one of the latest American fast-food chains in Singapore. I am sure most of you would have seen their advertisements before, be them bumper stickers featuring a "Superstar" (which is the name of one of the burgers) with a line saturated with sexual connotations (eg. She tells you that size doesn't matter. She's lying.) or their latest TV ad which hmmm... leaves you drooling, in desire for buns. It features a perpetually naked I-am-so-rich-I-can-crash-a-Bentley Paris Hilton washing a ,well, Bentley and chomping on a Carl's Jr junior. Sex and burgers are sinful together, and you can check out the video at this if you don't believe me.
Back to my adevnture then, and lo-and-behold, did I stumble upon the restaurant. It is not the destination that matters, but the journey itself. Okay I may sound so stupid typing this but I have finally discoverd the main entrance to the newly renovated Marina Square. And woah, that place packs a punch heavy enough to dent the retail shops in the building next to it (which is Suntec City Mall). Lines of stores specialising in whatever brands you like fill that huge place from top to bottom, with defining themes for each floor. At the first level, you can indulge in restuarants such as Swensen's, Cafe Cartel, Carl's Jr and other cafes. Second floor's pretty much adult wear and the third floor, which used to house the "very interesting" archery centre and cinema was revamped into a floor catering to the youth of the nation, very much like Parco's the Edge and Far East shopping centre.
Wait a minute. The above paragraph sounds like Marina Square paid me to write that. Damn.
Anyway, I found the "monster burger" store residing in a corner in the first level. What happened next was totally planned. We sat, contemplated on which burger to buy while I looked and stared at the burger the dude at the next table was chomping, and then decided on the smallest, most harmless looking "Famous Star" with its single beef patty. It came after a while and my girlfriend lost her appetite. I then mounted on a challenge to kill the monster burger while she irked at the sight of overflowing cheese and beef and salsa chilli. Seriously, the smallest burger there could have been bigger than your face. No wonder they say their burgers are for adults. No kidding man, its the burger for men. Boys can't do this shit.
We left the place then, me feeling satisfied, gratified, mollified while she was petrified. I guess it was kinda a double experience for us. She said she would never step foot into that "monster place with its monster burgers and monsters devouring them" while I promised that I'll be back to conquer the Portobello Mushroom Burger (so named once the baby mushroom burger had grown to more than 10cm in diameter, so says the advert). Spent the rest of the time trying to digest that beef in me, while she lumbered around in partial starvation (only ate the fries). Sorry babe!
Well, I leave you guys wondering with a picture of a Portobello Mushroom burger. Any guys willing to take the plunge with me? Okay I promise I'll go running sometime.
N Black Sey @
4:17 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Alrite... I knew I kinda run out of ideas of things to write. The following is an interesting article entitled "100 things you need to know about women" extracted from Maxim Dec 2005. Was reading thru' and yep some of the things are really quite true and interesting. Here are the best of the 100... Guys listen up...
- The sight of you in your socks and underwear is the biggest turn-off in the world. Ouch.
- Girls who say, "I love sports!" are lying. Girls who ask you what time the game is on, whithout specifying which game they're talking about, are not.
- A girl would prefer to get a $100 gift from Tiffany and Co than a $500 gift from a no-name store. Why? Cos her friends will ask where she got it.
- A study revealed that natural blondes could be extinct in 200 years.
- "If I give you my my number on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday are your best bets to score a date. Monday is to desperate, Thursday is too late." -- coming from a woman
- The average women kisses 79 men before getting married.
- Kiss her before two dates have gone by or you'll be a friend forever.
- Over the course of her life, a woman will use 10 men for every one she loves. If you lent her your car or helped her move and didn't get laid, you're one of the ten.
- The most painless way to end an arguement: Let her win.
- More than half of surveyed females between 18 and 25 would prefer to be run over by a truck than be fat.
- When a woman tells you her problems, she does not want you to offer solutions.
- If they're going to do it, most wives cheat between the ages of 18 and 29.
- Women ingest about half the lipstick they apply, which means they eat approximately 1 to 3 sticks per year. Eeee.
- Women dream of one day peeing in a urinal.
- It never hurts to say you're sorry, even if you don't mean it.
- If she suddenly cuts her hair short, it might mean she no longer cares what you think of her. But that doesn't mean she doesn't care about someone else's opinion.
- Girls will not sit on any toilet outside their own home or a 5-star hotel. Everywhere else they're hovering above the toilet in a squat. (Wow, I didn't know that)
- The minute she decides she's even mildy interested in you, she starts making mental pictures of what your kids will look like and imagining her first name with your last. (That's scary)
- Buying a present for your girl? She'll hate it if she finds out you took along another girl to help pick it out.
- On a first date, women never order what they really want to eat.
- Breast augmentation has grown by 257% since 1997. The most popular cup size is C.
- The average woman owns 8 bras and wears each one 5 times before washing. (Hmmm...)
- Every woman is self-conscious about her arse. Tell her you love her arse and you'll see it more often.
- At least one of her friends want to sleep with you. (Care to say who?)
- She likes one of your friends. (Ok, I take the last comment back)
- All women think they are smarter than their partners in some significant way.
- Any good woman will tell you, honesty is NOT always the best policy.
- Ugly girls like to hang out with hot girls cos it makes them feel like they're more attractive. Pretty girls hang out with ugly girls for the same reason.
- It's not only you who fantasises. She might be thinking of someone else when she's in bed with you too.
- You'll probably never know how many guys she's slept with. The standard lie is 5. Which really means about 12. Ouch.
Hey I started with an ouch and ended with an ouch again. These are probably some of the things a guy should know (of course not all are true) in order to better understand the workings of a female brain.
Piece of advise to the readers (whom I believe are predominatly males): Women are smart creatures; they can as easily bend and break you as you thought you can as easily manipulate them. Learn to respect women.
N Black Sey @
2:02 AM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
This is just another random muse.
I am sure you have heard this before.
Relationships, of all kinds, are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold some of it, but most of it will be spilled. A relationship is like that as well. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away.
How true can the above paragraph be? Well, I suppose it makes perfect sense that being too possessive is detrimental to one's relationship. But sometimes, just sometimes, the thin red line between the extra bit of tender loving care and the possessive edge is blurred. Being accused of being possessive is the worst punishment for the other party (I stressed that it is not me; This is just a random muse). You know why? Being accused of what you are not guilty of is one thing, but being accused of what you are not by the one you love is hurtful. It is like being slammed in the face by the dishes you have whipped out specially for the other person. Ouch.
I kinda disagree with what the above paragraph said initially about the sand remaining intact if you leave your palms open. No, it will still spill. We will have to cup the palm and force all the fingers together in order to prevent any gaps for the sand to escape (Dun believe? Go and try).
The question is, "When do we hold too tight and when do we hold too loose?"
How do we maintain our palms in that position all the time so that no sand will spill? Well, in my opinion, that is virtually impossible. Humans are not immaculate creatures; we do make mistakes and commit sins every now and then (normally). For example, we do sometimes force things that others might not like onto them. When we are lonely, we scream for attention in different ways. The purpose is always the same: We want the love of the person we love. In fact, we demand.
In such cases, we might have altered the positions of our palms and some sand would have spilled out. If we do nothing about it and carry on demanding, there will come a day when there will be no more sand to spill. That's when love die. And like humans, when love dies, it normally cannot be resuscitated.
Then we hold on tight then.
Can it be done? Yes of course, but clenching your hands leads to a slow but steady stream of sand slipping out. When your partner mentions the word "possessive" to you, you have to watch out. It is a taboo word in relationships. No one on earth is entitled with the life of another. When in a relationship, you do not "possess" or "own" the person; you merely bonded with him/her. Treating the other party as a material which you own is disrespectful. If there's anybody in the world that rightfully "owns" you, it's your parents, but even that is debatable now.
Freedom is like a double-edged sword. Too little and you cry injustice. Too much and you slip away unknowingly. How to regulate the amount of freedom that exists between 2 people is entirely up to you. Sometimes, it is better to hold on a little tighter than to lose everything away.
This is just a random muse.
N Black Sey @
11:57 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005
I know Christmas isn't exactly here yet.
But it's the time to buy and wrap presents.
Now, you dun have to exactly wrap the present in such a nice manner.
I guess it's okay if you leave some strings untied, some ribbons unmade.
It's the thought that counts, isn't it?
Anyway at the end of the day, we'll unwrap the presents and reveal what's inside.
What toys will you be receiving?
Here, Mr. Black poses a few excellent gifts for your male counterparts.
They are simple, elegant and apt.
Here goes.
First up, we have Cologne. Well, it doesn't have to be expensive to be nice-smelling. If you are still not convinced, click the link above to check out the different types of established brands and their recommendations. Not everybody smells like a boss with Hugo Boss, and a bad cologne as a present undoubtedly ends up as a, hmmm well, paperweight on the table if the smell and flavor is not to the liking of the person. (Cologne is not like wine; it smells sour with age.) Make sure you know what the person receiving the gift likes beforehand, and be ready to come up with an explanation if you are taking a huge detour off his usual style. Whatever you do, dun make him smell like a moose with musk.
Recommendation Stars: 3 (out of 5) ONLY if you know what he likes.
If you are feeling particularly rich, and if your friend/soulmate is a technogadgetic freakamaniac, then maybe you can try buying the latest technical hardware for him. By this, I do not imply things like the harddisk and RAM. By this, I do imply gadgets such as the new Xbox 360 (currently not in SG, only launching in 2th March 2006), the O2 Xda Exec (for sale I think at an exhorbitant price of round 2K in SG) or even the pretty outdated Ipod Nano.
Xbox 360. Hmmm looks pretty impressive, but I shall be contented with my only pathetic game console, the authentic must-stand-like-PS2-on-its-side Playstation 1. Somehow when I raise it to stand on its side, the disc spins. Dun ask me why.
Wow big picture. No la, its the phone that is big. Wun work for me either coz I still prefer to use pen and paper for an organizer. A 2K PDA is essentially out of bounds for me. Oh yah, and it doesn't help when one of your friend owns it (Just kidding).
Recommendation Stars: 1.5 - 2 (IF you had just won the lottery with 4,8,15,16,23,42. Sorry it's an insider LOST joke.)
What do Mr. Black want for Christmas?
Make a guess.
Okay, the clue is you dun have to wrap it nicely. Serious.
Still dun get it? Ok, here's the picture.
Hey hey, before you think that I am some kinda pervertic schizophrenic freak with a fetish for red ribbons, here's where I got them from.
Perfectly decent stuff alright. FHM Norway rocks. (Click the word for the video link. Relax, it is NOT porn). Hell, if someone drops such presents in my socks, or pants if my socks are not big enough, I might even consider accepting.
Now I know why Santa lives near there. Kinky.
N Black Sey @
11:43 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Geez... There's a lot of interesting things in the world that one can observe, if only you are more careful and observant. I don't have a sharp mind, but I thought whoever created me kinda compensated me with sharp eyes. And sharp hearing.
These are some of the more interesting things I saw recently. It is of pure concidence that both involved automobiles in some form.
I bet you guys have saw this ad somewhere before.

Well, I got this off a particular subway station (whose name I shall not disclose to protect the innocent station). If you have not found anything wrong with the above pictures, look again. I give you 3 seconds...
3, 2, 1, okay time's up.
Found the mistake? Haha... when I saw the ad while loitering around the station waiting for friends, I was quite shocked. How could such a stylish looking black advert with a black lamborghini gallardo in the background have such a gross mistake? Man, that kinda spoils the whole picture (for me at least).
Lesson learnt: Always check before posting up anything in public. Mistakes like this are too ugly.
Yup, and Mr. Black also saw another nice car (no, not in an ad) but parked in a country club somewhere.
Wow, what car is that? "It is bloody vintage!" (spoken in the voice of Charlie from LOST).
Cool huh?
For a moment, I thought it was a Mustang (is it? Car experts enlighten me, thanks). Whatever it is, Mr. Black liked it!
Anyway the pictures above were taken by my BLACK samsung D500 with 1.3 megapixels camera. If they appear grainy or blur, Mr. Black apologizes and hopes that his readers dun mind. Well, you could mind if you want to, I supposed, but it wouldn't change anything.
N Black Sey @
10:21 PM